CHYS is a 501(c)(3) charitable non profit sailing school that offers full day, week long summer sailing camps for a registration fee of $250. We host the local Annual Love Bug Youth Regatta. The registration fee is $35. CHYS also conducts school year Saturday Adventure/Advanced sessions to members of our program for a daily fee of $35. The student's first Saturday fee covers "membership" in the CHYS Saturday program.
As part of our mission to serve the youth of our community, Summer Sailing Camp, Saturday Advanced/Adventure Sailing and CHYS Love Bug Regatta registration fee scholarships are available to local youth, age 8 to 17. CHYS is not part of the candidate selection process.
CHYS offers a number of $250 Summer Sailing Camp scholarships each year. The number of scholarships offered is based on the funding available. The number of Scholarships is determined by the dollars donated specifically to the scholarship fund and CHYS retained earnings allocated after program expenses (equipment purchase/repair, instructor salaries, insurance, US Sailing membership fees, reserves, etc.) are covered. In the past, CHYS has been able to offer up to fifteen $250 Summer Camp scholarships ($3,000).
Scholarship candidates are referred to CHYS by Children's Network of Southwest Florida (CNSWFL), the Guardian ad Litem (GAL) program, Counselors at Florida Southwestern Collegiate High School (FSWCHS), and the US Navy Sea Cadet Gulf Eagle Division. CHYS is not part of the selection process. The available number of scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis (date scholarship referral is received by CHYS).
Children's Network is the Lead Agency for child welfare services in Circuit 20 that facilitates adoptions and foster care placement in SW Florida:
The Southwest Florida Guardian ad Litem program is part of the 20th Circuit Court. This governmental agency and their volunteers function as guardians for youth assigned to them by the 20th Circuit Court. They manage referrals to CNSWFL and also refer kids under their supervision directly to CHYS:
Florida SouthWestern Collegiate High School is located on the grounds of Florida SouthWestern State College. FSWCHS has no athletic programs. Students who qualify for CHYS scholarships (are part of the Federal Lunch Assistance program, Title 19, etc.) are referred for scholarship award to CHYS by FSWCHS Counselors. Instructor Emma Stolman (see CHYS Board, Instructors & Advisors
page - click above) is a student at FSWCHS and manages our Teen Sailing program based there.
US Navy Sea Cadet Gulf Eagle Division uses Oasis High School in Cape Coral for meetings and drills.
CHYS's only criteria for referral from these organizations & participation in our programs is that the child:
1. has no physical, mental or emotional disabilities.
2. can swim 50 yards in sailing clothing (no PFD).
3. is not fearful of open water.
If you are a parent or guardian of a child who is interested in learning to sail, meets the above eligibility requirements and is associated with one of the above organizations, please contact the organization and request a scholarship referral. You may download the registration forms below. Complete the forms and present them to the CNSWFL, GAL or FSWCHS guardian/counselor for verification and signature.