
Donate to Charlotte Harbor Youth Sailing

Dear CHYS Donors,

Charlotte Harbor Youth Sailing (CHYS), a us sailing certified sailing school, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization and a US Sailing certified youth sailing school. Our Program uses the US Sailing student curriculum to teach and evaluate our sailors. The US Sailing curriculum is designed to promote lifelong sailing, including both racing and non-racing tracks, and provide a skill development path for all levels of sailors. We are located on the grounds of Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club, a 501(c)(7) Nonprofit Fraternal Organization.

CHYS is a Community Service Organization that teaches water safety and sailing to youth 8 to 17 years old who live in the surrounding Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda and other nearby communities. A very small percentage of our students are children or grandchildren of Yacht Club Members. Our program is supported financially through Charlotte County Boater Improvement Fund Grants, CHYC Fund Raising Events, Personal Financial Donations, Sale of Donated Vessels, Summer Camp Registration Fees, Special Event Registration Fees and Saturday Advanced/Adventure Sailing Fees. Student sailing camp and other fees cover less than half our program's expenses. Operational costs include our Scholarship Program, purchase of US Sailing curriculum materials, repair and replacement of vessels and equipment and Sailing Instructor cost. Our Sailing Instructors, age 16 to 24, are US Sailing trained and certified. The CHYS Sailing Camp program is their "Summer Job." Our Board and advisors are volunteers.

Scholarship candidates are referred to CHYS by Children's Network of Southwest Florida (CNSWFL), the Guardian ad Litem (GAL) program and Counselors at Florida Southwestern Collegiate High School (FSWCHS). CHYS is not part of the selection process. As an individual donor, you may sponsor a needy child of a friend or neighbor for a Summer Camp by registering them on the Active Kids website.

How to support Charlotte Harbor Youth Sailing:

Donate Now - Send your donation check to CHYS -

Charlotte Harbor Youth Sailing, Inc.

4400 Lister St

Port Charlotte, FL 33952

Attend a Fund Raising Event at Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club -

Follow CHYS on Face Book for Fund Raising event Notifications -

Sponsor a needy child of a friend or neighbor -

Register them on the ACTIVE KIDS website

Donate your "good condition" boat to CHYS -

See document links below

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